One Treatment
Three Treatments
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Childbirth, menopause, ageing and other natural factors changes the health and anatomy of Women’s vagina. The resulting effects including vaginal laxity, tightening, dryness, painful sex, vaginal atrophy, stress and urinary incontinence fundamentally changes the lives of women in a way that quite often is very difficult to share and discuss. So, women suffer in silence and often this is perceived as being the norm, now there is a pain free non-surgical alternative, Femicure.
Femicure is one of the latest innovations using radio frequency and micro-current for safe and effective vaginal and labial tightening. The treatment provides a safe alternative to labiaplasty and vaginoplasty that doesn’t involve any of the common risks associated with surgery and anaesthesia.
Femicure simulates the growth of new collagen in and around the vagina, restoring and tightening the area offering a solution to many of the gynaecological problems associated with childbirth, menopause and ageing such as incontinence, prolapse and vaginal dryness. Femicure safely and effectively rebuilds the collagen to tighten and rejuvenate your vaginal tissue. Natural, non-invasive and pain free and with no downtime.
Benefits include:
Femicure works by safely and effectively delivering heat and radio frequency. This encourages and stimulates the growth of new collagen in the tissue, this helps to tighten the labia and rejuvenate vaginal tissue.
No anaesthetic is required as the treatment simply involves the use of a small wand which is inserted and moved gradually over the tissues. It does not damage the skin as the radio wave is directed to deep tissue layers.
There is an increase blood flow to the tissues, this improves sensation and moisture, it improves the symptoms of urinary incontinence and at the same time the micro-current (EMS) stimulates and strengthens the muscle group around the vaginal wall.
Clients may see results instantly and continued improvement continue over the course of 3 treatments. The results can last up to 2 years.
Femicure can also be self-administered as the treatment is administered through a single use wand. There is no downtime and sex can be resumed after 6 days.
Femicure will treat:
The recommendation is a course of 3 treatments lasting 20 to 30 minutes. The effects of treatment may last for up to 24 months. Most clients achieve the best results after 3 treatments. Maintenance treatments may be needed only once a year.
Treatments are carried out by our experienced female specialist therapists; the treatment can even be self-administered. For your comfort, Femicure is available as a mobile service within a 10 mile radius of the clinic.
If you suffer from vaginal dryness and pain, mild incontinence, labial irritation, or feel your vagina has changed after childbirth or going through the menopause,
you’re the perfect candidate.
You can have this treatment 6 weeks after giving birth. We require evidence that your last cervical smear showed no changes and is classed as ‘normal’.
We are unable to treat clients who:
· Use cardiac devices such as AICDs
· Are pregnant
· Have or have had cancer
· Have an active STD
· Have a current UTI
· Have greater than stage 2 Pelvic Organ Prolapse
· Have had recent vaginal surgery
We will need to see a doctor’s note if you have or suffer from any of the following:
· Surgical implants, metal plates or pins
· Stomach, liver or kidney problems
· Keloid scarring near area
· UTI or thrush infections
· Any diseases
· Gastric ulcers
· Hernia
· Diabetes (type 1 or 2)
· Heat or cold sensitivity
Light spotting may appear that can last up to 4 days. Your skin may also appear to be pink or red and warm initially. This should settle down 1 hour after treatment. There is also a possibility of mild cramping for 24 hours after treatment.